Thursday, June 25, 2015

Turmeric Chickpea Mask

A Turmeric Mask is another mask that's good for your face.

Turmeric is a spice used in cooking, Ayurvedic medicine and beauty treatments which is where I learned about it.

It's good to keep skin clean, clear of acne, blemishes and breakout and good to use when hormones are in flux.  It helps with skin elasticity and helps with maturing skin.

There are SEVERAL options for a tumeric mask you can do...

Turmeric and chickpea masks are also good to use on a regular basis if you want to keep those tiny baby hairs off your face.  This only works IF it's used on a regular basis.  This only works on those tiny baby hairs on your face, not your eyebrows or upper lip hairs.  So don't worry, your eyebrows won't fall off.  ;)

Turmeric and Honey mask is good for a soothing mask if you just want a relaxing mask on a regular basis but don't want to deal with the clumpy mess of the chickpea flour.  It's a little less of a mess and has the same effect pretty much but one less ingredient to deal with.

Turmeric and yogurt mask is another option instead of mixing with milk.

Turmeric and coconut water is a different option instead of milk or yogurt.

As you can see, there are different options and routes you can go and also depending upon what you have in your kitchen.  I urge you to do your own research as well and see what works for you.

I personally have spent about a year now looking into ayurvedic medicine and beauty practices and still am learning a lot about it.

I like to alternate using my turmeric/chickpea mask with my bentonite clay mask weekly and I like to use it before doing my threading on my eyebrows before using my serum.  Because good luck pulling eyebrow hair out when you moisturize first, I learned that the hard way.

What's threading?  That's another topic I can't explain in a blog, but youtube taught me how to do it and it can teach you too!  Go learn how to do it if you so desire.  It took me months to perfect it.  I almost never screw it up now, almost.. ^_6

What do we Need?!
Because you love my ingredient pictures, you know you do.

Turmeric:  You can find it in the spice aisle!  But honestly I recommend finding a good Indian store nearby and getting it from there, they have the best quality.  Support your local small businesses.  The spice kind, like the kind I use here, is not a good quality.

Honey: Optional, and great for your skin.  I use raw and organic but you can use what you like.

Chickpea Powder:  Also known as Garbanzo Bean Powder, I get Bob's Red Mill Garbanzo Bean Flour, it works pretty well.

Milk:  You're going to want to dilute your mixture.  You can use milk, coconut water, or yogurt.  I'm lactose intolerant so I normally use soymilk which also works great!

Let's Get Started!! ^_^

I eyeball the ratios, y'all know this by now, so I'll guesstimate this..

I put about 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of chickpea powder and 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric powder.  Too much turmeric powder and it might be too harsh on your skin.

Add your liquid in small amounts.  If you add too much and it gets soupy just add more chickpea powder to get a peanut butter consistency.  You want a creamy consistency.  One that makes good peaks.  You don't want this dripping off your face, it stains everything!  Wear clothes you don't care about.  Or wear a trash bag, whichever.

Look at that gorgeous pea yellow color, yum yum :p

An observation before applying to your face!!

Don't try this for the first time before going on a date!  Or going to work!  Or appearing in public!!  you get the idea....

Turmeric is staining!!  And until you know how your complexion will take to this I suggest you wait and see...

I am of a paler complexion.  Not because I am emo child and avoid the sun but I've always have a hard time getting burnt before I tan and finding an ivory white enough to match for foundation before I gave up on makeup.  It's gotten better with age but I'm still pale.  And for some reason my skin stains badly.

Until I figured out this recipe and added the milk to dilute it I used to do a straight mix of turmeric to honey and I did the mask and my face was so yellow for 3 days, I was mortified.  No joke.  I looked like a sunshine yellow crayon.  It was awful.  Thank batman it was a 3 day weekend and I was anti social.  I exfoliated like there was no tomorrow with baking soda and lemon juice until I scrubbed it off.

You know you appreciate my personal tales of warning and backstory.  See I had a point.

DO NOT apply turmeric directly to your face without diluting it with something like yogurt or milk.  You've been warned...

Now for application!!

If you did it right should be a weird yellow baby food yellow color and about the same consistency.  Yum right?!  Lol, sounds great.  You're gonna put it on your face.  It can be pretty soothing, and cooling, especially if you have irritated skin.  If I have a sunburn I'll skip it but it helps when i'm having a hormone flux, because we all love those don't we.

Face mask picture!  You're welcome!  You only get a partial pic, because it was just too gross..

Depending on the effect you want with this mask determines how long you leave it on and how you take the mask off.  

For cleansing..

If you just want to cleanse your face and get a soothing, anti-aging and/or anti-breakout effect then apply the mask while avoiding your eyes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.  Wash off with warm water and then apply cool water and you can tone your face (optional) and apply your moisturizer.

If you're having a bad breakout I think applying aloe vera may be helpful to you.  Pure aloe vera though.  Don't use aloe vera that's been mixed with other things like chemicals or additives.  A lot of places sell aloe vera plants and you can find good resources that tell you how to harvest the plant properly to get the gel inside the plant.

A good resource I've found for aloe vera is Mountain Rose Herbs

For cleansing and hair removal..

This is a bit more complicated but once you've done it it's easy to remember.  For clarification again this removes those tiny baby hairs on your face, not the eyebrow or upper lip hairs.  Those tougher hairs are going to require tougher methods like waxing, epilation, threading, etc...

If you're aiming for the cleansing, anti breakout, anti aging on top of face hair removal effect then you're going to apply the mask by rubbing it on your face in a circular manner as you apply it on your face while avoiding your eyes.  No worries if you get it near your eyebrows, it won't remove that kind of hair.  You're going to allow the turmeric mask to dry completely, it'll get pretty hard.

You're going to remove the mask in the areas with baby hairs, like near your cheeks, jawlines, by using a dry hand cloth and rubbing in a circular manner and it's honestly not the most pleasant thing the first couple of times.  Once you do the trouble areas, or are just tired of hurting yourself whichever comes first, remove the rest of the mask by wetting your washcloth with warm water and remove the mask.

You can set on the warm towel on your face to loosen up the mask a little, it helps.  Apply cool water to soothe, then tone and moisturize as normal.  Using this method only works, truly works if done on a regular basis, like weekly, biweekly for people with seriously stubborn hair.

All done!!

There you go.  So simple..  Doesn't it seem so?  It seems complicated, but it's not.  Everything seems complicated at first but once you get the hang of it it's so easy and once you apply it and try it and see how nice your skin is and see the benefits it's so worth it.

If this is something you enjoy I really encourage you to look into more Ayurvedic beauty remedies.

Thanks for reading.  I hope you try a Turmeric Mask and enjoy the benefits.

Namaste!! ^_^

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bentonite Clay Mask

A bentonite clay mask using Indian Healing Clay is good to help tighten your facial pores, clear up blemishes, and pulls toxins and chemicals from your skin, keeping it in tip top condition.  

The Indian Healing Clay actually has a website if you so desire to read all their information and random jive..

Some people even mix up a large batch for full body mud baths but I have yet to try this, nor have I had the desire...  

It tends to be pretty astringent and drying so I don't recommend using it more than once or twice a week tops.

You can mix up a small amount to use at a time and/or mix up a batch to keep in the fridge that's good for a week to spot treat blemishes if you're prone to acne.

*Random note about Bentonite Clay*
I got Bentonite Clay powder quite a ways back instead of the Indian Healing Clay and just did not get the same results.  If you are able to make the mask work with Bentonite Clay powder from a different vendor that's awesome.  You don't have to use the brand I use, I just couldn't get it to work for me*

Making a Clay Mask is super easy when you have what you need.

What do we need??!!

Indian Healing Clay: I get mine from Whole Foods and it runs me about 7 dollars.  I'm sure it's cheaper other places but I haven't had to get another container for over a year now so I haven't had to look yet.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Raw and Organic with "mother" is best, but use what you have. 

Lavender Essential Oil:  Wonderful for repairing damaged skin

Optional:  I also add a little bit of raw honey sometimes.  Honey has healing properties and is really good for your skin.  Just a drop or two in the mixture when I add in my essential oil.

Let's Begin!!

-Use a bowl to mix your ingredients, I suggest glass, and a plastic or wooden spoon/stirring utensil. 

-Using metal utensils causes a reaction with the clay and it won't mix well together.

-Mix equal parts Indian Clay with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), about 1 Tablespoon.

-Mix them together until you get a soft consistency that you can spread on your face, where it will stick well and won't fall off.  I like to think a nice creamy yogurt consistency works well.

-Add your lavender essential oil if you like and stir well.  Only 1 or 2 drops.

-Once your mask is a good consistency you'll want to apply it to a clean face.  

-Do NOT apply it too close to your eyes, especially if you have essential oil in your mixture as it will burn because mucous membranes are very sensitive to the essential oils.

-Try to avoid hair if possible as it's not easy to get out of hair.  I try to do this before a shower sometimes as it just makes life easier.

-As the mask dries it will be cold, it will make your face tight, this is all completely normal.  

It will hurt to have emotion...

It hurts to smile... or anything..
.....try not to sneeze....
My husband enjoys torturing me by trying to make me laugh which makes the mask tear and makes me feel like my face is being torn is a million directions... thanks a lot soulmate...

Normally you can wait 10-20 minutes before using a very warm towel to rub off the mask, over a sink.  It can take a little elbow grease.  I find it helps to let the warm towel sit on your face a bit before trying to get it off. 

I used to wait the full 20 minutes when it was peeling off, but now I just wait until it's just starting to dry out because my skin is sensitive and dry and can't handle the full 20 minutes.

When it's off it will feel tight and your skin will be red, red, red.  This is normal.  The redness fades in about 20 minutes.  I wouldn't recommend doing this before a hot date or anything.

The clay is doing its job and has drawn toxins out of your skin and tightened your pores.  

Good stuff.  

Apply a high quality moisturizer and enjoy your happy skin.  ^_^


Making a Facial Serum...

Why make your own Facial Serum??

Beauty products are a dime a dozen and there are hundreds to choose from.  Personally I'm tired of trying to figure out what kind to buy and spending money that I honestly just don't have.  As I get older, in my 30s now, my skin is changing, hormones fluctuating and products that used to work just don't anymore.  

I remember spending time in the beauty aisle a while back just staring at all the facial products for seriously 10 minutes...  Just dumbfounded.  I didn't even know where to start.  What I had didn't work for me anymore.  Was I supposed to use this stuff now?  Or this stuff?  I almost had a meltdown... Pathetic I know, anxiety is no fun..  I just gave up and left.

It's time for a change.  

Personally I like to use natural when I can because I find less is more when it comes to chemicals and choose to go the holistic route when it comes to my own personal choice.

I switched completely over to the OCM method (oil cleansing method) months ago, cold turkey, the best way to do it.  It worked amazingly and I didn't have a difficult adjustment period at all, I was extremely lucky.  It worked great but even for me it got tedious (aka I'm lazy) and occasionally I'd slip up and use a cleansing cloth here or there of an old product I had and BAM I'd break out or my skin would freak out and I'd have to start over with the process all over again.  So I recently found someone who makes a natural cleanser bar for me that I use instead.  I don't get expensive harsh products anymore, I just can't, my skin freaks out.  

I was cleansing and figured out how to make my skin partially happy but not having a good way to moisturize.  You can use the oil you cleanse with but I don't really care for that.  I have Aloe Vera that I've been using but it never absorbs and taste disgusting if you get it in your mouth...don't ask...blech..

I want a moisturizer, one that works, that absorbs and doesn't feel oogy or makes me break out.

I found this amazing recipe for facial serum and wanted to share!

Credit deserved where credit is due!!

This is where I originally found the recipe:

The Crunchy Betty website has tons of good information and good resources if you're new to trying out natural beauty recipes and oil cleansing methods.  This website is where I originally found out about OCM methods and where I got brave enough to stop using normal shampoos as well (that's another post for another day) and pretty much has given me any information I've ever needed when it comes to natural beauty Q&A.

On to the DIY!

For my recipe I decided to use what I had on hand and what I know works well for my skin.  I tend to have combination skin, but it tends to be more on the drier side.  

Fun story, random tangent..  I always thought I had oily skin but turns out all the products I was using was stripping my face of the natural oils so it was overcompensating by producing excess oil.  It wasn't until I used OCM method and my face started to work naturally that I realized what it was supposed to be like.

A lot of the natural products require some trial and error and you need to listen to your body and find what works for you.  It's so worth it!!  So don't give up!! ^_^

Ingredients You'll Need.... (can you tell we go to Trader Joes?)

Jojoba Oil: A luxurious oil with a low comedogenic (non clogging) rating that is great for all skin types

Vitamin E Oil: Anti-oxidant, preservative to prevent your product from going rancid or developing bacteria

Oil of Evening Primrose:  Has a high concentration of a fatty acid called GLA normally used as a dietary supplement for several health ailments.  But can be used for skin and hair as well.  Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, very luxurious.

Lavender Essential Oil: Known for skin healing properties, Anti-fungal, Antiviral

Jasmine Essential Oil: Antiseptic, Fades scars, Antidepressant, Smells Heavenly, Treats Dry Skin

Patchouli Essential Oil:  Good for dry, acne prone, inflamed, irritated skin.  Good for anti-aging properties, scar fading and cell rejuvenation.  

Each of these products do wonderful things for the health and longevity of your skin.  And make it look fabulous.  I personally like the smell of these particular essential oils.  Other than the lavender, but it's such a wonder essential oil for the skin, I'm willing to overlook (or smell I suppose) the strong overkill of the scent. 

These are the oils that I used.  Check out the recipe link from above if there are other oils that you would rather use instead.  I prefer these ones as they're less comedogenic (less pore clogging) and what I have on hand, but find what works for you.  That's the beauty of making things is you can tweak the recipe around how you like it.

How To:

I'm gonna be honest, I eyeballed the measurements here so I could try out my serum/moisturizer so I'm an eyeballer kind of person when I make things/bake/cook, etc....

Your Jojoba Oil will be 2/3 of your serum while your Oil of Evening Primrose will be the other 1/3 of your serum...

So...  (I'm really hoping I won't have to explain that any further..)

-Add your Jojoba Oil  (2/3 of your concoction)

-Add Oil of Evening Primrose (1/3 of your concoction): I cut open the capsules from my daily supplements and it worked just fine, if not a bit messy...(don't do this over your bed sheets in the middle of the night...just a suggestion.)

-Add Vitamin E Oil: I added about 10 drops of this 

-Add Your Essential Oils:  Only 10 in total, no matter what the mixture, no more.  I used less lavender as lavender is very overpowering.

**A Note about Essential Oils**
Be very minimal with essential oils, don't go nuts.  I can't stress this enough!  Too much and you will regret it.  No more than 10 drops TOTAL of all combined oils.  I used my particular oils because they work for me and they're also what I have on hand at the moment.  I will likely use Rose hips in the future as it's very good for serums as for aging skin but I have none on hand.  I urge you to read into essential oils and their different uses if natural beauty and homeopathy is something your interested in.

Here's a link to essential oils if you wanna read more..

Also, the internet is full of information, but it may not all be true, so really do all your research and lots of it to make sure you're getting real information.  You don't want to get sick or harm yourself or other people in case your making gifts for people.   USE COMMON SENSE ;)

That's it, you've done it!  You've made something healthy, natural, and way cheaper than most beauty serums on the market.

A couple things...

Never apply your moisturizer/serum on a dirty face.  Always wash your face first or you'll be sealing dirt and gunk underneath the moisturizer and that's a bit counterproductive in my opinion.

Store your serum in a cool place away from heat, sunlight and preferably in a glass bottle to prevent deterioration.  It should keep for about 8-12 months.

If you notice any sort of irritation you may have some sort of allergy to an essential oil or an oil used in this particular recipe.  Check the link for alternatives.  There are many different ways to do natural recipes.  One person's serum may not work for another person.  That's why the beauty industry is a multi million dollar industry.

Use a couple drops at first until you learn how much you need, a little goes a long way.

As with almost anything, keep away from your eyes.

I've been using this for a bit and my face is like butta!!  So incredibly smooth and amazing.  

Enjoy!! ^_^